- GENRE /Conférence
- DATE /Mercredi 13 nov.
- HEURE /18h30
- LIEU /Kunstmuseum, Bâle
- ADRESSE /St. Alban-Graben 16, 4051 Basel
Guerrilla Girls
‘Do women have to be naked to get into museums?’
Formed more than 30 years ago, the Guerrilla Girls is an anonymous collective of feminist activist artists dedicated to exposing discrimination in the art world, in politics and in the film and music industries. Their gorilla-mask costumes, bold visual language and frank, humorous messages have rendered them iconic in the history of art and as part of wider social movements.
Frida Kahlo, one of the cofounders, will share the history of the collective’s artistic practice from 1984 until today, using bold, fun and provocative poster art to criticize ongoing biases in art and society.